I am a Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge-Assessed, through the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers. (www.ccpdt.org). CCPDT believes the public has the right to work with dog training and behavior professionals who are not only knowledgeable but whose knowledge is based on current, sound scientific principles.
I graduated from Animal Behavior College (www.animalbehaviorcollege.com) in June 2010, where I earned my certification as an ABC Certified Dog Trainer. My year long commitment to this program provided me with a formal education in canine obedience training, and understanding behavior and its motives. I am also a Mentor Trainer for ABC, helping train new students.
I am a member of the Pet Professional Guild (www.petprofessionalguild.com), founded on the principles of force-free training and pet care. PPG members understand force-free to mean: no shock, no pain, no choke, no fear, no physical force and that no compulsion-based methods are employed to train or care for a pet.
I am a Professional Member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (www.apdt.com), a professional organization of individual trainers who are committed to becoming better trainers through education.
About me:

Please be aware that there is no law stating that one must be 'certified' to be a dog trainer. Anyone can say they are a dog trainer. Be sure that you are working with someone who has taken the time to pursue a qualified education - meaning they work with your pet based on science-proven, positive-based methods.
I regularly attend seminars and conferences to consistently learn and advance my knowledge in all aspects of canine behavior.
My training methods are science-based positive methods - no choke, pinch or shock collars.
I have been working with dogs and their owners for years and there is nothing which satisfies me more than seeing the bond created between a dog & his person by teaching good dog manners. It's a well-known fact that most dogs are relinquished to animal shelters due to behavior problems. Let's work together to be sure that doesn't happen! My goal is to make yours a 'good dog' so that you have a 'happy home'.
“The degree of force used by a trainer is inversely proportional to the trainer's level of competence “
- Leah Roberts
Some of the trainers I've had the honor of studying under:

With Dr. Ian Dunbar

With Dr. Patricia McConnell

With Nicole Wilde